
Our mission is nonpartisan. Young voters and young politicians have an opportunity to shape what the political landscape will look like in the years to come...

Chanikarn Thongsupa

LBJ Library

Brendan Smialowski, Agence France-Presse

1 1

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2 2

We'll create your unique 'playlist' of Congressional politicians under the age of 45.

3 3

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How old are members of Congress?

14% of Congress is under the age of 45.
2% is under the age of 35.

Gen Z
0 %
6 %
Gen X
31 %
Baby Boomer
56 %
Silent Gen
7 %

... and how old are voters?

Millennials are now the largest voting bloc in the country.

0 %

Gen Z

0 %


0 %

Gen X

0 %

Baby Boomer

0 %

Silent Gen

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Get to know your future leaders

Young politicians are often overlooked by traditional news sources.

Meet Your Leaders

What’s on

this week’s episode?


Photo: Isai Ramos