Chanikarn Thongsupa

LBJ Library

Brendan Smialowski, Agence France-Presse
Only 18% of Congress is under the age of 45 despite young Americans now being the largest voting bloc in the country. Most people know little to nothing about these 76 politicians. Political Playlist creates nonpartisan content informing you about these young leaders so you can find your own political voice and have a say in your future.
On this week's episode of Political Playlist Happy Hour we get into fiscal responsibility, gas tax holidays & stock trading bans. What are young politicians doing about these issues?
Politics can be stressful. Political Playlist eliminates the outrage, creating a new kind of political conversation. Each week we discuss an important political issue and what members of Congress under 45-years-old are doing about it.
Young politicians have an opportunity to re-shape our system and pave a new path forward. This 14% of Congress cares about and can relate to the issues that most affect the next generation of Americans. We make sure you know who they are
We arm you with the knowledge to find your political voice and have a say in your future. That starts with voting.
Voting InformationPhoto: Craig Ruttle, AP Photo
Anna’s previous work in volunteering to mobilize voters made her acutely aware of the divisions in our country. As a screenwriter, Anna is enthusiastic, to say the least, about the power of storytelling and is excited that Political Playlist helps bring the stories of our young political leaders to voters across the country.
Anthony grew up in a politically active household and held multiple internships on Capitol Hill before settling into a career in business. Channeling the halls of Congress once again, Anthony looks forward to creating a new, informed link between voters and young politicians.
Michael discovered a passion for politics during his college years through a regular dinner group of close civic-minded peers. When not writing and directing films, Michael is often found watching cable news with a newspaper by his side. And now he’s got a Playlist to go with it.
Delaney Maher is a Los Angeles-based independent Art Director & Designer. Her work ranges from award-winning ad campaigns to environmental advocacy projects. Delaney has been an enthusiastic participant in the development of Political Playlist, establishing the platforms visual identity and now serving as creative consultant.
Courtney Carey is a marketing professional from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with experience in the arts & culture and healthcare sectors. She is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Political Psychology. When she’s not working, studying, or contributing to Political Playlist, she teaches Pilates and is pulled around South Philly by her German Shepherd.
Greta is an Italian young progressional with a passion for journalism and digital media. She graduated with a degree in Foreign Languages for Business, and served her final year as a communications student in the UK and a journalism student in the US. She enthusiastically contributes as a writer for different organizations, carefully putting a special focus on gender quality and politics. Proud #GenZ!
As a high school senior in Raleigh, North Carolina, Emory spends much of her time working in student government, political organizations within her state, and the Equity Council that she helped found at her school. She plans to pursue politics after graduating high school. Emory is dedicated to getting members of Gen Z civically engaged, and there is no better way than with Political Playlist!
Aden is a senior at Harvard Westlake High School from Los Angeles who is a young politically active Gen Z interested in the next generation of political leaders. He is preparing to pursue a Bachelor degree in Computer Science & Mathematics with a minor in Business. When he is not studying or contributing to Political Playlist, he is discovering new music, skateboarding or surfing.
Photo: Craig Ruttle, AP Photo